Who am I?

Hello there!

I am a fullstack software engineer with a passion for building web applications.

Rust · Js · C# · Svelte · React


Mane Witch

A company website for an awesome in-home salon based in Texas.

Svelte | SkeletonUI | Vercel

Pomodoro Timer

A web based, vanilla Javascript pomodoro timer. You can set work and rest times, and the values are saved to your browser so you don't have to re-enter them when you return!

Javascript | Vercel

List Maker

Create as many lists as you like with this tool! It includes a hand rolled authentication strategy along side it, so you can save your lists for later!

Svelte | SkeletonUI | Turso | Vercel


A web based, vanilla Javascript pomodoro timer. You can set work and rest times, and the values are saved to your browser so you don't have to re-enter them when you return! It's been downloaded over 300 times!

Rust | Ratatui

Contact me

Want to work with me? Shoot me an email and we can talk!

Email: contact@mstillwell.dev

Stillwell Technologies © 2024